Have you ever wondered where the 5 worst and most painful places were to get a tattoo on your body? You should be giving this some careful thought as pain can be outrageous if you pick one of these spots for your tattoo: 1. On the top of your Foot or Ankle. They look cute, but due to the absence of fat tissue around the ankle, it can be quite painful 2. Behind the Ear - Little skin, bone, and sensitive nerves. Also it will be shown at all times, something else to consider, unless you can hide it with long hair 3. The Chest - Right above your Rib Cage - Again there is thin skin in this area of the body 4. Eyeballs, Eye Brows, and Lips are also very painful. Yes, in fact, people do tend to get their eyeballs colored with permanent makeup. For example it helps a person with blind eye look more normal 5. The mons pubis and the land down under. There are a lot of nerves down there for both men and women. Tattooing can be painful to say the least as this was not intended for these sensitive areas Please give it some thought when you are considering where you want to put your next tattoo!
Looking for Scorpion meanings for your next ink adventure? Check this page for meaningful Scorpion tattoo ideas.
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